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Top 10 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earning

Top 10 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earning - technological developments continue to grow rapidly, old technologist replaced with the latest, on the blog Tecno Mobile Phones we will discuss various updated technology from various brands around the world, well now we will discuss first about Top 10 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earning we collect a lot data from various reliable sources to make this article, please read:

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Top 10 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earning

Now, the question arises what should be done by the AdSense publishers to increase CPC rates so that their AdSense Ads will fetch for revenue. Based on my personal experience, I am sharing some practical and more genuine guidelines to all of you which may help in increasing your http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/07/how-to-get-google-adsense-account.html">AdSense CPC rates to earn more from Google AdSense.

In my opinion, our ultimate target should be to attract more http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/12/how-to-make-money-at-home-on-your.html">advertisers to increase tough competition among them resulting more CPC rates they have to pay for appearing on our sites/blogs. However, you may consider following factors that may either directly or indirectly helps to increase your AdSense CPC rates:

Increase CPC Rates google AdSense Earning 2015

1) Link Your AdSense Account with Google Analytics for higher CPC Rates:

Yes, this is the latest simple trick I applied last month and got an increased CPC rates reflected in my AdSense performance report. In Google Analytics AdSense report you will find the particular webpage which gets more clicks apart from the sources generating more revenue for your site. That means you may filter the report to find out which webpage have greater CPC rates in compare to others using MS Excel. Thus, you have to write more contents related to that particular webpage topic which have higher CPC rates. However, if you are not familiar with MS-Excel then hire me at a reasonable cost.

2) Create Custom Channel for Ad http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/12/how-to-make-money-at-home-on-your.html"> Units to increase CPC Rates: This is one of my preferred tips to increase my AdSense CPC. The main reason behind creating custom channel is to get more targeted ads for the webpage of your sites/ blogs. More targeted ads means more bidders/ advertisers resulting more amount of money they have to budget for paying cost- per-click by them for appearing on particular a webpage.

3) Enable both Image and Text Ads types to get High CPC Rates Generally, there are five types of AdSense Ads viz. Text, Image, Animated image, Rich media and Flash. All those Ad types are categorized into two types one is Text Ads and another is Display Ads. I strongly, recommend all of you to enable both Text & Display Ads types for your all AdSense Ad Units. It will increase the number of advertisers to your site ensuing higher CPC rates for them.

4) Use Higher Performing Ad Format to boost CPC rates:

We always confuse about the ad sizes to be used on our blog/site so that we get increased AdSense revenue. Actually, it depends on your website layout and Ad slots you have already created for showing AdSense Ads. But, I will recommend all of you to use Leaderboard ( 728 x 90), Medium ( 300 x 250 ) and Large ( 336 x 280 ) rectangle, Large skyscraper ( 300 x 600 ) and for mobile webpage use mobile banner ( 320 ×50). However, if you are using Responsive Template /Theme for your site or blogger blog then you may try for responsive AdSense Ad format which fits for all Ad spaces on your webpage irrespective of your visitor’s device.

5) Show AdSense Ads in the right place to increase CPC Rates:

Well! It is very difficult to find out which place to be used for displaying AdSense Ads that result higher CPC. I opines that you should place at least one AdSense Ad Unit codes above the fold and second one just after/below the post/articles end and last one either on sidebar or footer. Please note that you should never place your all three Ad unit code in one place. Read this tutorial which may help you to find the right place for showing AdSense Ads: Insert AdSense Ad Unit codes in the right place of your Blog .

6) Use only one Advertising Network to increase CPC Rates:

There are many online advertising networks like Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads program powered by Media.net, Infolinks, Clicksor, BuySell Ads etc. But, you should avoid other advertising networks for better AdSense CPC rates. This is because, advertisers choose the network which costs less for them to appear on your site.

7) Visitors Location and CPC rates:

In my opinion the CPC rates also depends on the location of your site users. As AdSense shows the Ads that are related to the users i.e. relevant ads shall come from the advertisers located in their country. And after analysis of my CPC rates for last one year I may conclude that advertisers coming from countries like United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Spain, Albania and Iraq are paying more for a single click in compare to other countries like Thailand, USA, Colombia, France, Tanzania, Turkey, USA, Sri Lanka, Nepal and USA.

8) Utilize AdSense Allow and Block ads facility to get higher CPC Rates:

Now, AdSense team has given a wonderful facility named ‘Allow and Block Ads’ for their publishers. Accordingly, you have now the option to choose which particular Ad is to be shown on your site. Blocking Ads will take effects within an hour. Actually, whenever you block a particular Ad network or Ads, bidders/advertisers are informed immediately the types of ads you don’t wish to see on your website so that they only provide ads relevant to your webpage. This will increase number of bids in real time for your inventory resulting higher CPC rates. Note that blocking Ads may also impact negatively on your ultimate AdSense revenue .

9) Change the Layout of your Site to increase CPC Rates:

Every website owner wants to build a site which looks totally different from other site i.e. the blog/site should be unique. Further, they also allot different slot for the AdSense Ads in accordance with their own preferred space. Many of them get confused what should be the layout of their blog that fits for http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/07/how-to-get-google-adsense-account.html">Google AdSense. http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/07/how-to-get-google-adsense-account.html">Google AdSense has provided a standard layout for showing advertisements and therefore you may change the layout of your site accordingly. According to best practice for ad placement as prescribed by AdSense, the site layouts that highlight content shall be regarded as good example rather the site layout that pushes content below the fold. Thus, you should not place your all three AdSense ads above the fold. This practice may increase CPC rates for Ads that has been placed close to the content that your site visitors/users are interested in.

10) Know Your Customer to get Higher CPC rates:

Know your customers/ visitors i.e. ask them whether they got the things they are looking for on your site/blog. They are the real key to increase CPC as because more visitors more page views resulting more impressions and bidding price that ultimate increase the http://ghchjgv.blogspot.com /2014/07/how-to-get-google-adsense-account.html">CPC rates of your AdSense Ads.

I hope you will enjoy also if you have any question dont be foolish, just ask your within an hours you will get a response from us. Pls share this to your friends.

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Related : Top 10 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earning

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