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How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot

How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot - technological developments continue to grow rapidly, old technologist replaced with the latest, on the blog Tecno Mobile Phones we will discuss various updated technology from various brands around the world, well now we will discuss first about How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot we collect a lot data from various reliable sources to make this article, please read:

Articles : How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot
full Link : How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot
Article Blogger Tutorial, Article Google Adsense, Article How to, Article Make money online,

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How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot

Here Is a new one i discovered in making your adsense apply in your blogger mobile view in the new developed blogger.


Well as for those of us that really want to earn with our blog sites or websites,you get to see that on your mobile template your adsense system is not visible and most of your blogs pages view trafficate from mobiles since these days the rate at which people use the mobile devices increases and the rate at which people use the pc's reduces and you keep wondering how do i get click on my adsense gadget when its not visible on my traffic sources coming from mobile?..well if thats the case heres a solution to that with this method you can add your adsense system to your blogger mobile view or better still add enough widget to your blogger mobile view, like the likes of popular post,blog archive,receive latest post via email...all of this gadgets you can make them visible on your mobile view of your blog Now lets get it started already.
show adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot
1. Now before anything we need to learn how to locate a widget on your blog...locating a widget helps us find the widget id of whatsoever gadget we wish to add to our blogger mobile view so in other words we need to know the location of the widget before we proceed to adding the visibilities on our mobile blog view same goes for adsense gadgets we need to no the widget id of our adsense gadgets before we can be able to make it visible on our mobile blogs view..

HERES HOW TO LOCATE A WIDGET ID ON YOUR BLOG NOTE : For you to be able to make your adsense visible in mobile you must already know how to locate WIDGET ID OF YOUR ADSENSE so if you dont no how to do that i strongly recommend you read the post above. 

2. Now the key to adding gadget and adsense on your blog are just three html codes involved if you are not perfect in css codes they are mobile='yes', mobile='no', mobile='only'.

3.This are the html keys to adding gadgets and adsense widget to your mobile view ....without wasting much time and talking.

4. After you have successfully located your widget id, ike in the image below include whichever function you want it to be on your mobile template...if you want any adsense to be on mobile only just input mobile='only' if you want it to be visible on both your mobile view and your desktop view just input mobile='yes' if you dont want a gadget or an adsense to be visible on your mobile view just input mobile='no'

5. Now when you are done click Save template and go to your previous page when you there click the gear indicator under the mobile view.

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just so much information about How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot

hopefully How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot information can provide benefits for you in adding insight about the latest gadget technology

you just read the article about How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot and can you bookmark or share with link https://ghchjgv.blogspot.com/2015/02/how-to-show-or-display-adsense-ads-on.html so thank you.

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Related : How to show or display adsense ads on mobile version for blogger/blogspot

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