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Why womens are not interested in Technology?

Why womens are not interested in Technology? - technological developments continue to grow rapidly, old technologist replaced with the latest, on the blog Tecno Mobile Phones we will discuss various updated technology from various brands around the world, well now we will discuss first about Why womens are not interested in Technology? we collect a lot data from various reliable sources to make this article, please read:

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Why womens are not interested in Technology?

Are women interested in technology?

womens are not interested in Technology

I have a 14-year-old cousin and we are best of friends. But one thing bothers me a lot: she doesn't seem to be attracted to technology as I am. Every time I start a conversation about technology, she never for once pay attention. She seems to care more about clothes, make-ups and, like every other ladies, men! I even tried to use tech to make what she is interested in more fun for her, but she didn't hook up at all.

So I decided not to based my assumption on my cousin alone, I had to mingle with other women or ladies to see if they are different. Mehn, they are even worse than my cousin. Start a conversation about tech, the next thing they do is turn their backs on you and examine their nails, hair-styles, perfume, entertainment, gossip and like my cousin men. They see technology as a man's game.You know, my cousin case really bothers me a lot because, as you all know, we are in a century where everything we do is centers around tech. You can't talk about a career without technology these days. So, why are they not interested in tech? and how do we get more women in technology?

just so much information about Why womens are not interested in Technology?

hopefully Why womens are not interested in Technology? information can provide benefits for you in adding insight about the latest gadget technology

you just read the article about Why womens are not interested in Technology? and can you bookmark or share with link https://ghchjgv.blogspot.com/2014/02/why-womens-are-not-interested-in.html so thank you.

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